薪ストーブ サウナ専門店 都城本店 鹿児島市支店

薪ストーブ専門店 鹿児島 宮崎 ㈱ヤマカナ

ヨツールの次世代 クリーンバーン


あ、エイプリルフールでした。輸入元に電話したら そんな報告はヨツールから受けてないとの事でした 興奮していろいろと電話してしまいましたよ

Jøtul CEO, Eskil Zapffe today confirms that Jotul is about to launch a new generation of clean burning stoves, where a new alloy filter binds the particles in the smoke. This completely replace the need for a chimney. The filter contain a new patented technology deriving from many years of development and partnership between Jøtul and the renowned Finnish Institute of Bioecology (FIB).

“The technology relates to a completely new alloy called Triamalgam, which is derived from mercury,” says Mr. Zapffe and continues “originally perceived as a cleaning agent it was found to have a unique property, the ability to attract smoke particulates.

Professor Saul U Cummings with FIB stated “This is a significant discovery. In essence wood stoves may now be produced without the need for chimneys. By forcing flue gases through pipes impregnated with POLAR FOIL™ the smoke is effectively scrubbed and the only emission into the atmosphere is water vapour.

Although still in development Jøtul plan to launch a range of terminals based on Triamalgam technology under the trade mark POLAR FOIL™ in the next 12 months.

Full interview with Mr. Zapffe and and Professor Cummings can be found here: